

Thank you for visiting my website and welcome to my world of career development and personal growth. Imagine a life where you find purpose, resilience, and the power to create lasting change. This is what coaching means to me.

I discovered coaching as a profession after 5 significant career changes: ABA Therapist, Area Manager, Teacher, Recruitment Professional, and Coach. I have always loved learning, had career aspirations, and wanted to do something meaningful with my life. I was on a quest to find fulfilment. I ended up with a unique set of people skills, the ability to recognise and unleash talent in others, and strong (often freaky) intuition.

I now spend my days in purposeful action working toward my vision of a world where coaching serves as the cornerstone of societal evolution, igniting a wave of self-discovery, compassion, and impactful collective action.

I care deeply about the environment and am a member of a charitable organisation Buy One, Give One. I plant a tree for each new client and contribute to a project educating young people about the forest and conservation. Trees play a vital role in supporting wildlife, absorbing carbon dioxide, and combating climate change. They are essential for diverse ecosystems and are crucial for sustainable development efforts.


Looking back at my life and career, I wish I had invested in a coach much earlier than I did. I spent so much time going around in circles feeling directionless and made lots of mistakes in life and my leadership roles. Taking on too much and burning out, losing perspective, fighting with my inner critic instead of learning to manage it, and trying hard not to need or rely on other people.

My experience of trying to 'find my way' feeds into the framework for my career change and leadership programmes. Instead of wasting years trying to solve the same problems, my clients get there in a fraction of the time.

I am a champion for mental health, wellbeing, and belonging. Coaching has been life-changing and empowering for me personally. The results are still unmatched by other training or therapeutic approaches. I firmly believe that coaching is THE way to bring about positive change in individuals, teams, and communities.

I developed an eating disorder when I was younger, a battle that lasted 20 years and nearly took my life. As challenging as that was to overcome, my personal experience taught me resilience and valuable lessons that now serve my work as a coach. When I meet people struggling with deeply emotional experiences, I have the empathy and capacity to sit with them in their dark places, guiding them out when they feel ready.

When I’m not coaching and working on my business you’ll find me practicing yoga, walking in nature, laughing with a good friend, or in my kitchen attempting to cook a curry (as yet I haven’t been able to get close to the delicious food I tasted in India but one of my top strengths is persistence so onwards and upwards!).

I have an adventurous streak and I love nothing more than loading up my backpack and heading out into the big wide world. Highlights so far include visiting the Gorillas in Rwanda, trekking in Nepal, safari in Kenya, travelling solo around India for 13 months, and visiting the orangutan sanctuary in Borneo.




I encourage my clients and myself to embrace courage, take bold actions, and conquer fears for meaningful growth.


I prioritise empathy, care, and respect, fostering a safe and non-judgmental space where clients can share challenges openly.


I embrace a mindset of continuous learning and growth, regularly updating methods and tailoring coaching to meet evolving client needs.


I lead with authenticity and openness, building strong relationships with clients and guiding them to align values with their aspirations and goals.


I tailor coaching to address the unique needs and goals of each client, keeping their interests at heart.


A world where coaching serves as the cornerstone of societal evolution, igniting a wave of self-discovery, compassion, and impactful collective action.


I am on a mission to:

  • Inspire Career Journeys: I craft tailored coaching programmes that guide individuals toward fulfilling careers.
  • Empower Teams, Managers, and Leaders: Through coaching and collaborative efforts with managers and leaders, I focus on enhancing team performance, leadership effectiveness, wellbeing, and overall impact.
  • Plant Trees: I am committed to environmental sustainability through tree planting initiatives, with a goal to plant 5,000 trees in Borneo.


My impact is evident through transformative outcomes, with a strong base of referrals and returning clients:

  • Career Change Programmes: Guiding hundreds of individuals to discover new, purposeful, and exciting career paths.
  • Leadership Development and Coaching: Empowering authentic leadership potential and enhancing effectiveness for managers and leaders. Currently working with 20+ organisations including: environmental research institutes, charities, membership organisations, commercial businesses, law firms, museums, and unions. 
  • Mission-led Partnerships: Collaborating with mission-led organisations through customised 3-18 month programmes, including team coaching, group retreats, assessments, one-to-two coaching for enhanced relationships, and one-to-one coaching for professional development.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Contributing to a lasting positive legacy through tree-planting initiatives in Borneo. 2,342 impacts made since I joined Buy One, Give One (B1G1) in 2021. An impact was either a tree planted or a day of conservation education funded. 


Coach Training & Qualifications

I am a certified professional coach CPCC with The Coaches Training Institute (CTI) and International Coaches Federation (ICF).

I have completed the full ORSC training programme (Organisation & Relationship Systems Coaching).

Certified with Leadership Circle and can administer the Leadership Circle Profile 360 Leadership Assessment (LCP) and Manager Edition. 

I am a licensed Firework Career Change Coach and accredited Strengths Profile Coach.

A certified practitioner licensed to use the full range of PRISM brain mapping tools for leadership, communication, and career coaching.

I also have a Psychology degree, PGCE (post graduate certificate in education), and 500+ hours of yoga teacher training. I'm also experienced with Reiki level 2.

Body-centered coaching and breathwork support the work I do particularly around wellbeing and leadership presence.

Learning is one of my core values. I am constantly developing my skills and experience as a Coach and deepening my self-awareness. I love what I do!

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