
Sharing inspiration, insight and interesting ideas

Confidence, Resilience & Mindset - 02-02-2024 - - 0 comments
Personal Resilience

Is it possible to become successful without learning how to be resilient?

Maybe ...

You can work hard despite not being very resilient, but you probably won't be very happy. You can get lucky. You might even reach certain heights driving yourself with negative thoughts and emotions. Some people attribute their success to the darker sides of themselves. The angry and hurt part of them fuels an intense motivation and spurs them on to achieve their goals. Some people slow down or just shut down.

Confidence, Resilience & Mindset - 07-11-2023 - - 0 comments
How to manage imposter feelings & self-doubt

Imposter Syndrome has been described as self-doubt of intellect, skills, or accomplishments and is often experienced by high-achieving individuals. 

Here are 10 strategies and insights you can start using right away to manage imposter feelings & self-doubt.



Confidence, Resilience & Mindset - 08-10-2023 - - 0 comments
Imposter Syndrome Insights

Imposter Syndrome - it sounds like a disease, doesn't it? And maybe it is. An epidemic of limiting beliefs, fear, and uncertainty.

In my view, self-diagnosing ‘imposter syndrome’ is dangerous - why? Because what we think is true becomes our truth.


Confidence, Resilience & Mindset - 22-05-2023 - - 0 comments
3 Ways to Increase Confidence

Most of my clients want to work on their confidence. The context varies from career change to leadership to significant life changes, but confidence always shows up somewhere in the process. To move forward, we need to believe in ourselves and our ability to be successful.

Confidence, Resilience & Mindset - 18-11-2020 - - 0 comments
Redundancy Mindset

Redundancy can be a very difficult time for some people. The 'Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory' looks at how challenging events can impact long-term health. Job loss, changing to a different line of work and business readjustment appear in the top 20.

Research shows that our attitudes, opinions and thoughts have a direct impact on success. So, with that in mind, I have written this blog to encourage a growth mindset and a positive outlook.

Confidence, Resilience & Mindset - 11-03-2020 - - 0 comments
Self-Belief, Goal Setting and Locus of Control

Self-esteem is how we see our identity, self-belief is how we value our abilities. An overall feeling of confidence can transcend many of the challenges we’re faced with in our lives and career. Sometimes we do well, other times less well, but we can continue to believe that we will succeed in most things and in the long run. Positive self-belief creates a good impression on others and is a good predictor of success. It shows an ability to deal with setbacks and to accept both positive and negative consequences.


Confidence, Resilience & Mindset - 27-11-2018 - - 0 comments
Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs often originate from early childhood experiences and continue to develop as our subconscious mind absorbs messages from our environment, family, friends, teachers, and society. When we internalise feelings of inadequacy during our formative years, we can spend our entire adult lives believing we are not good enough and/or striving to prove our worth or to fit into a specific mould. Over time, we may forget or lose sight of our own values as we become susceptible to adopting other people's expectations.

Confidence, Resilience & Mindset - 02-02-2024 - - 0 comments
Personal Resilience

Is it possible to become successful without learning how to be resilient?

Maybe ...

You can work hard despite not being very resilient, but you probably won't be very happy. You can get lucky. You might even reach certain heights driving yourself with negative thoughts and emotions. Some people attribute their success to the darker sides of themselves. The angry and hurt part of them fuels an intense motivation and spurs them on to achieve their goals. Some people slow down or just shut down.

Confidence, Resilience & Mindset - 07-11-2023 - - 0 comments
How to manage imposter feelings & self-doubt

Imposter Syndrome has been described as self-doubt of intellect, skills, or accomplishments and is often experienced by high-achieving individuals. 

Here are 10 strategies and insights you can start using right away to manage imposter feelings & self-doubt.



Confidence, Resilience & Mindset - 08-10-2023 - - 0 comments
Imposter Syndrome Insights

Imposter Syndrome - it sounds like a disease, doesn't it? And maybe it is. An epidemic of limiting beliefs, fear, and uncertainty.

In my view, self-diagnosing ‘imposter syndrome’ is dangerous - why? Because what we think is true becomes our truth.


Confidence, Resilience & Mindset - 22-05-2023 - - 0 comments
3 Ways to Increase Confidence

Most of my clients want to work on their confidence. The context varies from career change to leadership to significant life changes, but confidence always shows up somewhere in the process. To move forward, we need to believe in ourselves and our ability to be successful.

Confidence, Resilience & Mindset - 18-11-2020 - - 0 comments
Redundancy Mindset

Redundancy can be a very difficult time for some people. The 'Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory' looks at how challenging events can impact long-term health. Job loss, changing to a different line of work and business readjustment appear in the top 20.

Research shows that our attitudes, opinions and thoughts have a direct impact on success. So, with that in mind, I have written this blog to encourage a growth mindset and a positive outlook.

Confidence, Resilience & Mindset - 11-03-2020 - - 0 comments
Self-Belief, Goal Setting and Locus of Control

Self-esteem is how we see our identity, self-belief is how we value our abilities. An overall feeling of confidence can transcend many of the challenges we’re faced with in our lives and career. Sometimes we do well, other times less well, but we can continue to believe that we will succeed in most things and in the long run. Positive self-belief creates a good impression on others and is a good predictor of success. It shows an ability to deal with setbacks and to accept both positive and negative consequences.


Confidence, Resilience & Mindset - 27-11-2018 - - 0 comments
Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs often originate from early childhood experiences and continue to develop as our subconscious mind absorbs messages from our environment, family, friends, teachers, and society. When we internalise feelings of inadequacy during our formative years, we can spend our entire adult lives believing we are not good enough and/or striving to prove our worth or to fit into a specific mould. Over time, we may forget or lose sight of our own values as we become susceptible to adopting other people's expectations.

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