Redundancy can be a very difficult time for some people. The 'Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory' looks at how challenging events can impact long-term health. Job loss, changing to a different line of work and business readjustment appear in the top 20.
Being fired at work comes in at number 8. I want to be super clear here that redundancy does NOT mean you have been fired. I mention it here because some clients have shared with me that it can feel like they have! That’s important because what we think and feel shapes our reality. So, the first thing I would like you to consider is your wellbeing, health and mindset.
The definition of mindset, according to the Oxford Dictionary, is 'the established set of attitudes held by someone'. Carol Dweck has written a fascinating book on the subject after decades of research. She writes about the difference between a growth and a fixed mindset. It seems that our attitudes, opinions and thoughts have a direct impact on success. So, with that in mind, I have written this blog to encourage a growth mindset and a positive outlook.
I know you're facing challenges but this is going to help you get back on track.
Let's start with a question...
Is there another way you can hold this experience and tell the story of what’s happened?
We often talk about needing to let something go before we can move on from it. This can be a very useful thing to do indeed. If you have a spiritual or mindfulness practice you might find this easier than most.
I've practiced yoga and meditation for 20+ years. It helps a lot but it doesn't make you immune to stress and limiting thoughts. If I'm in the thick of a devastating situation and someone advises me to "let it go and everything will be fine". It can be well-intentioned but let's be honest a bit irritating and not very helpful.
If it were that easy I wouldn’t be writing this blog and you wouldn’t be reading it!
How is my question different?
The question I’m asking invites you to acknowledge what has happened. Before you can respond you must become more conscious and aware of how things are now. To recognise your reaction, feelings and narrative. This is a process of allowing and accepting your redundancy and how you feel about it at this moment in time.
Are you jumping for joy, feeling free and liberated? Has redundancy triggered feelings of rejection and left you questioning your worth?
It might not be obvious to you here and now, but there are hundreds of different perspectives to choose from. Conscious choice is what gives you your power back.
If you think you might be stuck in a fixed mindset don't panic. There are plenty of things you can do. Start by tuning in to how you feel. Listen to the narrative you're telling yourself and others. Spend some time journaling or free writing and get clear about what’s happening for you on the inside.
The first step is always noticing, then comes a greater awareness and integration.
Is the way you’re holding the experience of redundancy serving you well or making life harder?
If you tune into acceptance and compassion, can you find words, a metaphor or a song that will allow you to be with the experience of redundancy? Can you find a perspective that creates a feeling of empowerment?
I have included lots of self-coaching exercises in my free Redundancy Reset Guide. If you would like more support to do this work you can get your copy here.
Cultivating an empowering growth mindset is a practice. I can’t promise the angry, hurt and judging voice will completely disappear. When the old thoughts, feelings and narrative show up you do have a choice...
A) Dial that old limiting story up and stay stuck
B) Focus on the new story and look to the future
If you have a bad day and it feels hard to make the shift try going for a walk, take a bath or watch a film. Change the scenery and the energy around you and simply notice what happens. Be kind to yourself and you’ll flow through the bad days and start to have more and more good days.
The past is history so acknowledge the lessons, drop the junk and take a step forward with intention.
Download your FREE redundancy reset guide here.
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